Corporate / About us
Since its foundation in 1978, Bluewater has built a technological lead specialising in design, development, lease and operation of Floating Production and Energy Systems, and has become a leading provider of innovative Single Point Mooring Systems.

Bluewater has designed, manufactured, supplied and installed many innovative Floating Production and Energy Systems for the energy industry worldwide through turnkey supply and time charter contracts. We also provide operational and logistic management and support for offshore Production and Energy Systems.
For offshore production and transfer of renewable energy, Bluewater has developed a Floating Wind TLP, a Tidal Energy Converter Platform, Solar Matrasses and the Electrical Buoy. Our existing and field proven mooring systems are ready to transfer electrical and new generation fuels like methanol, hydrogen ammonia and LNG.
FPSO fleet
Bluewater has designed, owned and operated ten FPSOs, of which three have been retired and two have been sold back to the energy companies. Presently Bluewater owns and operates its FPSOs for its clients through a leasing construction. The vessels are designed to high specification and to operate in the harshest environmental conditions, under the most stringent regulatory regimes.
SPM systems
Bluewater has developed and delivered some of the most innovative Single Point Mooring (SPM) systems in service from Catenary Anchor Leg Mooring (CALM) Buoys, to Turret Mooring and Tower Systems featuring multiple flow lines involving fluids, gasses, power and signals. Each system has its own characteristics and fields of application.