FSRU and FSO mooring
Different types of lean single point mooring systems for nearshore storage of liquid and gaseous cargo, refined products and chemicals in tankers/carriers are designed and delivered by Bluewater. Similarly, single point mooring systems to enable offshore storage nearby production platforms in open sea.

The freely weathervaning FSRU or FSO is (semi) permanently moored like FPSO and FLNG mooring albeit most lean. The cargo, power and utilities are uninterrupted transferred to/from shore passing our integrated, multipath swivel and typically a few risers and umbilicals. The mooring enables transfer of the FSRU/FSO cargo to/from trading tankers or carriers with side-by-side and tandem offloading.
Key characteristics of our solutions are its robustness, ease of offshore (dis)connection and requiring minimal modification to standard carriers/tankers. Safe operation and minimal maintenance by design is accredited throughout its lifetime. Our main developments relate to LNG and alternative energy carriers to serve the energy transition. We offer a range of Jettyless LNG Terminals for near-shore mooring and (un)loading of LNG carriers, Regasified natural gas or LNG can be transferred to/from shore, either directly to the shuttling LNG carrier or through a moored FSRU or FSU.