Aoka Mizu
The Aoka Mizu is the seventh Bluewater designed, built, owned and operated Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) installation. It is currently on contract to Hurricane Energy plc for the early production system (EPS) on the Lancaster field, west of Shetland.
The Aoka Mizu was constructed at the Hitachi Zosen shipyard in Ariake (Japan) in 1998 and 1999. Following its original lay up in the Sembawang yard in Singapore, topsides oil and gas processing and accommodation modules were installed during 2006-2008. Following this the vessel sailed under her own power to commence work in the North Sea on the Ettrick field for Nexen Petroleum UK Ltd.
FPSO Aoka Mizu sailing from Dubai to Europe

The Aoka Mizu is equipped with a Dynamic Positioning (DP) system enabling her to hook-up to the disconnectable turret autonomously.
From Q3 2009 through to Q3 2016 the FPSO produced from the Ettrick and latterly Blackbird fields in the Central North Sea. The FPSO and crew achieved top quartile performance in HSE and production efficiency. Following cessation of production in 2016 the vessel came off station and was laid up in Gdansk before commencing work for Hurricane Energy plc. Lancaster EPS.
Illustration of FPSO Aoka Mizu maintaining position on DP while pulling in a buoy with the disconnectable turret .

During 2017/2018 the Aoka Mizu was moved to Dubai for refit and modification in preparation for its new location West of Shetland.